How do you fund your startup?

“ All startups want money. But not all startups need as much money as they think they do, from the sources they think they need. In fact, most startups do not seek outside investors at all. An analysis of the Kauffman Firm Survey, a representative survey of US startups, shows that the biggest source of funds for high growth startups, on average, are the personal savings of the founders. The second largest is debt, either personal debt or loans taken out by the new company. Friends and family come a distant third, and most companies do not have serious investors beyond that. Rather counterintuitively, research shows that startups with less money are often more successful and creative than ones that are better funded, in part because of the lack of resources forces them to be more innovative.[i] But there are certain startups that need a lot of money to get off the ground, either because they require research and development before launching (like biomedical startups) or because they need to spend a large amount on marketing (like a new direct-to-consumer brand). Those startups will almost certainly need outside funds from investors.”

[i] Mehta, R., & Zhu, M. (2015). Creating when you have less: The impact of resource scarcity on product use creativity. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(5), 767-782.

— The Unicorn’s Shadow, Chapter 3

Resources on raising money